Artificial Grass is becoming more and more popular as an alternative flooring for gyms - why not bring the outside in!
It is a tough, durable yet smooth surface for activities such as pushing prowlers and sleds , bear crawls, short sprints, circuit training etc. Unlike rubber or concrete flooring, artificial grass allows these heavy weights to be pulled or pushed without scraping the floor or getting caught in the rubber.
Here are examples below of some indoor Gym floors which we have supplied/installed over the years.
Please note that a large amount of the gyms have been self installations ie. we supply grass and the owners install it themselves.
Therefore we do not have a huge proportion of photographs. It is relatively easy to install the grass so if you are thinking about it for your own gym call us on 045 901970 and we will be happy to talk you through it. We can supply you with all the necessary glue and joining tape also.
Over over an image for quickview. Click on any thumbnail to scroll through the gallery.